How to provide an alternate URL to access MailEnable web applications (web admin and web mail)


How to provide access to webmail (or web admin) via a URL other than the default setting. The preferred method of defining a URL for webmail and webadmin is to add a host header to either the MailEnable Webmail or MailEnable Webadmin IIS sites. Alternatively you can add the MEWebmail virtual directory to an existing IIS site but it is better to avoid this to stop site settings affecting the webmail. If you do need to redirect users using another URL, for example, when migrating from another webmail client, then you can try to use one of the following options.


Option 1 - Use a redirection file that masks the source of the content:

This option is by far the simplest and is just as effective as the other solutions outlined in this article. This solution also works if MailEnable's IIS application is on another server.

1. Download the following zip file:
2. Extract and place this file in the directory that you want people to use to access web mail (or web admin)
3. Open the file in Notepad and edit the file if necessary (this only needs to be done to change the URL for web mail)
4. Save the file and attempt to access the URL using a web browser.

Option 2 - Using the Internet Service Manager to redirect the request:

1. Using the Internet Service Manager, open the Properties of the web site or virtual directory.
2. Click on the Home Directory tab and select the option to redirect to a URL.
3. Specify the URL that is currently used to access web mail and check the box that will have the client sent to the URL specified.
4. Click Apply and close all dialogs.

Option 3 - Redirecting the request via code:

It is possible to code some asp script to redirect the client browser to the desired location. Create a file called default.asp and place it in the web directory that to redirect from. The contents of the default.asp file would be as follows:

<% Response.Redirect http://[server]/mewebmail %>

Option 4 - Reconfiguring the Web Site or Virtual Directory:

This is the most complicated (but the most integrated and efficient solution). All approaches outlined here will work, however this provided the highest level of integration with IIS and MailEnable. Only those experienced in IIS should attempt this alternative.

The procedure is outlined here:

Note: Please do not mail technical support on this issue as using a path other than /MEWebmail is not supported. MailEnable leverages IIS and you should take time to review the respective reference material to establish how to best integrate and accommodate MailEnable using the /MEWebmail virtual directory.


How to create a Virtual Directory for web mail with a name other than MEWebMail?:

How to manually create IIS Virtual Directories for web mail?:

Product:MailEnable (Pro-Any Pro-1.X Ent-Any Ent-1.X)
Class:HOWTO: Product Instructions
Created:26/06/2003 2:05:00 AM
Revised:Thursday, May 4, 2017