How to remove catch-all accounts and/or make bulk changes to address maps


How to remove catch-all accounts and/or make bulk changes to address maps.


The fastest way to remove catch-all accounts and/or make bulk changes to address maps is to take a copy of the file from under the MailEnable config directory and load it into Excel (the file is a tab delimited file).

Sort the first column and locate the entries containing [SMTP:*@domainname] and remove them from the file (these entries denote catch-all entries). The format of MailEnable configuration files is outlined in the System Configuration Guide under the MailEnable program group.

Important: Do not remove the line containing the entry [SMTP:*], only delete those that have the @domainname in the address mask (first column). Then save the file out and replace the one on the server (make sure the original file is backed up in case something goes wrong).

Alternatively, the Developer Guide ( ) outlines the API and changes can be made using Windows scripting against the MEAOAM object.

Note: The above example relates to MailEnable Professional and Standard Editions. If using database configuration providers (Enterprise Edition), refer to the ADDRESS_MAP table rather than the ADDRESS_MAP.TAB file.

There is a utility available that can provide a report on all the domains which have a catchall configured, and also displays whether they are redirected to remote addresses. Redirecting catchalls to remote domains can result in relaying a lot of spam, and should not be done. This utility is available here:


How to configure a catch-all mailbox for a domain:

How to collect all email not bound for a known local address:

Product:MailEnable (All Versions)
Class:HOWTO: Product Instructions
Revised:Wednesday, May 4, 2016