Currently, the options for placeholders on lists
show to be:
[ME_POSTOFFICE] - post office name
[ME_LIST] - the list name
[ME_LISTADDRESS] - the email address of the list
[ME_MEMBER_EMAIL], which expands to the mail recipient.
I would like to propose a placeholder that expands to the mail sender email address.
When the list is set to "List Address (change header and envelope) (I think this is preferred to prevent being marked as spam),
if the sender doesn't add their name or identifying information in the body of the email, the other list members
don't know who the email is from.
I use my lists to communicate with a volunteer organization, and if they respond to a request for someone to
show up for an event and just say "I'll be there" there's confusion as to which member that would be.
If there was a header or footer value that said "on behalf of" that would be really be Z
List placeholder for Sender Email
- Posts: 49
- Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:06 pm
- Location: Texas