Customise the columns when displaying contacts in webmail


Webmail allows the display of additional fields for contacts, by altering Windows registry settings.


The following additional fields are available to display when listing the Contacts or Global Address List.

1. First Name
2. Last name
3. Email address
4. Department
5. Location
6. Phone number

These additional fields are specified the registry under the Mail Enable branch:

On 32bit Windows:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mail Enable/Mail Enable\Services\Webmail\Options

On 64bit Windows:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mail Enable\Mail Enable\Services\Webmail\Options

Registry key: AddressBookFilter
Type: String
Value: FirstName,LastName,Email,Department,Locality,PhoneW

The order in which the field names are listed in the registry key will dictate the order in which the values for those fields will appear in the Address Book list or Global Address List.

Users can now also perform a search on the Address Book and Global Address List entries via the new Filter text field positioned above the Directory list using the 'Search' button. The search string can be words separated by space, or absolute strings enclosed in double quotes, e.g. "Joe Smith".

The existence of the AddressBookFilter registry key will also have an effect on the Auto Suggestion results that come back when users begin typing into one of the address fields on the Compose page. The results returned in the suggestions listbox will be of the same order as the fields specified by the registry key.

Class:HOWTO: Product Instructions
Revised:Wednesday, May 4, 2016